
해커스 오픽 강의 내용을 정리한 내용입니다.



- I like --- the best

- I like them because ---

- The most memorable movie I've senn is ---

- --- had the leading role

- She is my favorite actor because she ---

- While watching the movie, I felt ---

- I usually --- befroe the movie.

- After the movie, I usually ---

- I usually go with my friends or family but when they are busy I go by myself.

- It's brand-nw theater

- I am moviegoer. I am a movie fanatic[페네릭]

- It has a plot-twist 반전이 있다.




In your background survey, you indicated that you enjoy watching movies. What is your favorite type of movie and why? Please provide as many details as possible.


I like horror films the best. Horror movies are very scary[스케어리]. These types of movies usually feature monsters like vampires or zombies. I like them because they relieve[릴리브] my stress. When I watch a horror movie, I scream loudly and often. This makes me feel much more relaxed after the movie is finished. The most memorable movie I've seen is Night of the Living Dead.



Who is your favorite actor? What movies has this actor starred in? What do you like about him or her?


I like many actors, but I like Rachel McAdams[레이첼 매 게덤스] the best. She's my favorite actress because she can play many different character types. She also has a very unique face. The most memorable movie I've seen is NoteBook. Rachel McAdams had the leading role. She was very beautiflul in the movie.



What is your routine when you go to the theater? What do you do before watching movies? What about after? Please describe your routine in detail.


I think I usually go to a movie theater once a month. I usually see them with my friend, Pia because she and I have a simliar taste in movies. I always read reviews on the[디] internet and reserve tickets before the movie. Then I buy popcorns and drinks at a snack bar. After the movie, Pia and I go for dinner and talk about the movie. When I go home, I sometimes write a review of the movie on my blog. I think watching a mvoie is a great stress reliever.



Talk About a movie you remember best. What was it about? Who was in it? How did you feel when watching it?


The most memorable movie I've watched is About Time. It's an American movie released in 2013. It is about a young man with a special ability to travel time. He tries to change his past in order to improve his future. What makes this movie interesting is that is is based on a famous fiction. When I feel down or depressed, I watch this movie. This movie taught me a lesson that every momont is very important in your life. While watching the movie, I was touched and impressed. I strongly recommend this movie to you.


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