



Never ask Ava a question

if you must, ask a rhetorical question



Do not use difficult words that you are uncomfortable with.

Use simple words you are totally confident in using!



Try no to repeat the same word in the same sentence



Don't use 2 descriptive or feeling words using "and"



Talk about one thing, and one thing only!



If you get nervous and have nothing to say,

go right to the conclusion



Make "honest excuse" later.

Not in the begging!


방귀와 똥



fart 방구

door 문

문방구 : stationary store


1. let it rip /let one rip

I needed to let it rip


2. cut cheese

I was at StarBucks and all of a sudden I had to cut cheese.


3.thunder from down under

I was at the bar with my friends the other day, and all of a sudden

I felt a little thunder from down under.


4.slient but deadly

I cut cheese in the restuarnt, and I was hoping that no one would find out.

I mean, it was slient, but deadly



1.number1 소변


2.number2 대변


3.take a dump

I felt like taking a dump during the the meeting.

Oh, the timing was terrible


4.deuce it

I had to deuce it[듀싯]




When I can't totally understand a question

1)I'm sorry[쒀리], but I think I should skip this question because I don't know what to say.

2)I mean.. I have no idea[아이디아] about this.

3)So I'll try and answer your next question

+So I'll try my best to answer your next question.


When I feel question so difficult

1)Oh, What? [Banks] in my country?

2)Are you serious? Are you kidding? Seriously?

3)Oh my gosh Eva, Why are you doing this to me?

4)I mean... That's very difficult[hard/tricky] question.

5)I can't believe you are asking about [the banks in my country]

+So I don't know what to say. I'll just skip this question!


When I have no thoughts about the topic

1)Honestly, I haven't thought about it[뚸ㅅ 어바우릿] at all.

2)I mean.. I'm not familiar[퍼밀리어] with this topic.

3)I seriously have no idea about this.

4)And you know what?

I'm not even interested in [technologies]

+I don't even go to banks

5)So, could you give me some time to think about it?

6)(3초뒤) Okay. Well. I'm soory but I still have no Idea.

7)So, If it's okay with you, I'd like to talk about _.

+I'd like to skip this question.





영어 추임새: 생소하지만 알아두면 아주 유용한 Filler words 15개

“well”, “um”, "like"과 같은 영어 추임새(filler words)는 문장에 실질적인 의미를 부여하지는 않지만 문장의 톤을 바꾸는 역할을 하는데요, 미국에서 가장 자주 쓰이는 영어 추임새 15가지를 한번


미국식 영어에서 꼭 알아야 할 15가지 영어 추임새(filler words)

1. Well

“Well”은 여러 가지 용도로 쓰입니다. 먼저, 당신이 지금 생각하는 중이라는 것을 보여줄 때 사용할 수 있습니다.

Well, I guess $20 is a good price for a pair of jeans.”

말을 하는 중간에 잠시 쉬어갈 때도 쓸 수 있습니다.

“The apples and cinnamon go together like, well, apples and cinnamon.”

그리고 심지어 단순히 시간을 벌기 위해서도 쓸 수 있습니다.

Well… fine, you can borrow my car.”

2. Um/er/uh

“Um”, “er”, “uh”는 망설일 때 가장 많이 쓰이는 표현입니다. 정답을 잘 모를 때, 혹은 대답하고 싶지 않을 때 쓸 수 있죠.

Um, er, I uh thought the project was due tomorrow, not today.”

셋을 동시에 쓸 필요는 없으며 원할 때 아무거나 하나를 골라 사용해도 좋습니다.

Umm… I like the yellow dress better!”

3. Hmm

“Hmm”은 생각하는 중일 때 나오는 소리입니다. 당신이 고민 중이라거나 무언가를 결정하는 중이라는 걸 표현하죠.

Hmm, I like the pink bag but I think I’ll buy the black one instead.”

4. Like

“Like”는 정확한 정보가 아니라, “그 비슷한”, “그 언저리의”라는 뜻으로 쓰입니다.

“My neighbor has like ten dogs.”

위의 예문에서 이웃이 정확히 10마리의 개를 키우고 있는지는 확실하지 않습니다. 그냥 개의 마릿수가 많은 것이죠.

그리고 like는 말을 하는 도중 이다음에 쓸 말을 생각해내기 위해 시간을 조금 벌어야 할 때도 자주 사용됩니다.

“My friend was like, completely ready to like kick me out of the car if I didn’t stop using the word ‘like’.”

영어 추임새 용도의 “like”는 영어 원어민들 사이에서 일반적으로 부정적인 인식이 있습니다. 주로 나이 어린 여자들이 문맥과 상황을 고려하지 않고 남용하는 경향이 있고, 또 이렇게 like를 과하게 사용하다 보면 본인이 하는 말에 확신이 없다는 이미지를 줄 수 있기 때문입니다.

5. Actually/Basically/Seriously

“Actually”, “basically”, “seriously”는 모두 부사입니다. 동사를 꾸며주는 역할을 하죠. 많은 부사 단어 끝에는 “-ly”가 있기 때문에 알아보기도 쉽습니다. 이 모든 단어들은 말 어감상의 변화를 줄 때 추임새로서 쓰일 수 있습니다.

예를 들어 “actually” 같은 경우, 남들은 아니라고 할 수도 있지만 당신이 진실이라고 생각하는 것을 가리킬 때 사용할 수 있습니다:

Actually, pugs are really cute!”

“Basically”와 “seriously”는 문장을 살짝 다른 방향으로 틀어 주는 역할을 합니다. “Basically”는 무언가를 요약할 때 쓰고, “seriously”는 지금 하는 말을 진심으로 하는 것임을 표현할 때 쓸 수 있습니다.

Basically, the last Batman movie was seriously exciting!”

추임새로 쓰이는 다른 부사로는 “totally”, “literally”, “clearly” 등이 있습니다.

  • “literally”는 “글자 그대로”라는 의미가 있지만 대부분의 경우 대화에서는 다른 의미로 쓰입니다. 아주 강한 감정을 표현할 때 쓰이죠. 예: you’re not just laughing you’re literally dying from laughter.
  • “Totally”는 “completely”와 동의어이고 무언가에 대해 강조할 때 쓰입니다.
  • “clearly”는 obviously와 동의어이고 무언가가 명백하게 진실일 때 사용되는 말입니다.

이 세 단어 역시 한꺼번에 사용할 필요는 없지만 아래 예문에서는 여러분의 이해를 돕기 위해 한 곳에 넣어봤습니다:

Clearly you totally didn’t see me, even though I was literally in front of your face.”

6. You see

“You see”는 청자가 모르고 있다고 생각하는 사실을 공유할 때 사용됩니다.

“I was going to try the app, but you see, I ran out of space on my phone.”

7. You know

“You know”는 청자가 이미 알고 있을 거라고 생각하는 어떤 사실을 말할 때 사용됩니다.

“We stayed at that hotel, you know, the one down the street from Times Square.”

청자가 당신이 하는 말을 이해했다고 느꼈을 경우 긴 설명 대신 이 한마디로 대신할 수 있습니다.

“When the elevator went down, I got that weird feeling in my ears, you know?

8. I mean

“I mean”은 무언가에 대한 당신의 생각과 의도를 명확히 하고 싶을 때 씁니다.

I mean, he’s a great guy, I’m just not sure if he’s a good doctor.”

또는 앞서 말을 잘못했을 경우 이를 정정할 때도 쓰입니다.

“The duck and the tiger were awesome but scary. I mean, the tiger was scary, not the duck.”

“The cave is two thousand—I mean—twenty thousand years old!”

9. You know what I mean?

“You know what I mean?”은 내가 하는 말을 청자가 잘 따라오고 있는지 확인차 물을 때 쓰는 말입니다.

“I really like that girl, you know what I mean?

10. At the end of the day

“At the end of the day”는 “in the end” 또는 “in conclusion”의 동의어입니다.

At the end of the day, we’re all just humans, and we all make mistakes.”

11. Believe me

“Believe me”는 자기가 하는 말을 믿으라는 의미에서 하는 말입니다.

Believe me, I didn’t want this tiny house, but it was the only one I could afford.”

곧 할 말을 강조할 때 사용하기도 합니다.

Believe me, this is the cheapest, tiniest house ever!”

12. I guess/I suppose

“I guess”와 “I suppose”는 당신이 무언가를 말하기 망설이고 있거나 확인이 잘 안 설 때 붙이는 말입니다.

“I was going to eat dinner at home, but I guess I can go eat at a restaurant instead.”

“I guess”는 구어체로 많이 쓰이지만 “I suppose”는 조금 더 예스러운 표현처럼 들릴 수도 있습니다 (조금 더 배운 사람 같은 표현이랄까요).

13. Or something

“Or something”은 문장 맨 끝에 붙이며, 정확한 정보를 모를 때 쓸 수 있습니다.

“The cake uses two sticks of butter and ten eggs, or something like that.”

14. Okay/so

“Okay”와 “so”는 주로 말 첫머리에 쓰며 새로운 주제로 넘어간다는 표시로 쓰입니다.

So what are you doing next weekend?”

여태까지의 일을 요약할 때 말 첫머리에 쓰기도 하죠.

Okay, so we’re going to need to buy supplies for our trip this weekend.”

15. Right/mhm/uh huh

“Right”, “mhm”, “uh huh”는 긍정을 뜻하는 대답처럼 쓰입니다. 한마디로, “yes”를 의미하죠.

Right, so let’s prepare a list of all the things we’ll need.”

Uh huh, that’s exactly what he told me too.”

좋아요. 여기까지 배우셨으니 이제 여러분은 영어 추임새의 전문가가 다 되셨을 겁니다! 오늘 배운 단어들은 영어 추임새인 만큼, 특히 의미가 오묘하고 문맥에 따라 달라지는 경우가 많아 정확한 용법으로 쓰기 어려울 수 있습니다. 하지만 영어 추임새의 용법을 제대로 마스터하면 머지않아 영어 원어민이 말하는 것 유창한 영어를 구사할 수 있게 될 것입니다.


'English > OPIC' 카테고리의 다른 글

오픽노잼 정리  (0) 2021.09.09
오픽 위기 탈출  (0) 2021.09.08
OPIC_해커스인강_09_해변가기  (0) 2021.08.16
OPIC 학습 계획  (0) 2021.08.15
OPIC_해커스인강_07_공연,콘서트 관람  (0) 2021.08.15

해커스 오픽 강의 내용을 정리한 내용입니다.



In your background survey, you indicated that you like going to beaches. Where is your favorite beach and how often do you go there? Why do you like it?


My favortie beach is Seoul Beach. It's within walking distance of my house. The beach is very beautiful. I love golden sand and seashells on the beach. Also, the beach has a convenience store where I can buy chicken and beer. I love having chicken and beer while enjoying the view. It's so delicious. I'm planning to go again this weekend.



What items do you pack from a beach trip? Why do you take them with you? Provide as many details as possible


I take serveral things when I go to a beach. First I take my cellphone. Listening to music while walking along the beachside helps me be more active. Oh, and a water botttle is a must, When I go to a beach. I drink water whenever I am thirsty. Last but not least, I take things to eat like chocolate and snacks. When I go to a beach, I wear a beach wear and a windbreaker.



0. 고정 질문, 고정 영어스크립트 연습(현재)


1.샘플 질문 가정


2.한국말로 스토리라인 지정


3.스피킹 패턴 연습


4.패턴을 연결해서 영어 스크립트로 읽도록 연습.





해커스 오픽 강의 내용을 정리한 내용입니다.



- I went to a concert by ---

- The consert was at ---

- I went to the concert with ---

- I like this palce because ---

- I went to the concert with ---

- I go to plays

- I always --- before/after the play.

- The most memorable concert was

- The concert made me feel ---

- Listening to his songs makes me full of life.

- It helps me relieve my stress and clear my head.

- On average, I go to a concert once a month

- I go to a concert every once in a while

- Once, I went to A's concert,

- I am a concertgoer.

- I was so abosrbed in the music.



You indicated in the survey that you enjoy going to concerts. Tell me about a concert that you have been to recently. Where was the concert held and who did you go with? Did you enjoy the concert?


The last time I went to a concert was a few months ago. I went to BTS's concert. BTS is a popular boy band in korea who became famous because of the song called fake love. I went there with my friend Sam because we have a similar taste in music. Before going to a concert, we read reviews and reserved tickets online. During the concert, we sang along to songs and danced to the music. After the concert, I wrote a review of the concert on my instagram. It was such a great concert!



Which theater or auditorium do you like the most? Where is it? What do you like about it? Tell me about a show that you have seen at this venue.


My favorite place is the olympic stadium. It is in Seoul. I like this place because it is close to my house and has great facilities. Oh, and I have a membership card so I can get a discount. The last time I went there was a few months ago. I went to see BTS's concert. I am planning to go there in the future.



How often do you go to plays and who do you like to go with? What do you do before and after a play? Provide as many details as possible.


I think I usually go to musicals once a month. I usually see them with my friend Sam because he and I have a similar taste in music. I always read reviews on the internet and reserve tickets before the musical. Then I buy popcorns and drinks at a snack bar. After the musical, Sam and I go for dinner and talk about the performance. When I go home, I sometimes write a review of the musical on my blog. I think watching a musical is a great stress reliever.



Tell me about the most memorable concert you've been to. Who was the performer? What made this concert so special?


I like pop music the best. My all-time memorable concert was BTS's concert. BTS is a popular boy band in korea who became famous because of the song called fake love. I loved this concert because their performance was really beautiful and fantastic. I was really touched by their songs. The concert made me feel full of energy. I'll never forget that evening.


'English > OPIC' 카테고리의 다른 글

OPIC_해커스인강_09_해변가기  (0) 2021.08.16
OPIC 학습 계획  (0) 2021.08.15
OPIC_해커스인강_06_영화관람  (0) 2021.08.14
OPIC_해커스인강_05_동네 및 이웃  (0) 2021.08.13
OPIC_해커스인강_04_사는곳[필수]  (0) 2021.08.12

해커스 오픽 강의 내용을 정리한 내용입니다.



- I like --- the best

- I like them because ---

- The most memorable movie I've senn is ---

- --- had the leading role

- She is my favorite actor because she ---

- While watching the movie, I felt ---

- I usually --- befroe the movie.

- After the movie, I usually ---

- I usually go with my friends or family but when they are busy I go by myself.

- It's brand-nw theater

- I am moviegoer. I am a movie fanatic[페네릭]

- It has a plot-twist 반전이 있다.




In your background survey, you indicated that you enjoy watching movies. What is your favorite type of movie and why? Please provide as many details as possible.


I like horror films the best. Horror movies are very scary[스케어리]. These types of movies usually feature monsters like vampires or zombies. I like them because they relieve[릴리브] my stress. When I watch a horror movie, I scream loudly and often. This makes me feel much more relaxed after the movie is finished. The most memorable movie I've seen is Night of the Living Dead.



Who is your favorite actor? What movies has this actor starred in? What do you like about him or her?


I like many actors, but I like Rachel McAdams[레이첼 매 게덤스] the best. She's my favorite actress because she can play many different character types. She also has a very unique face. The most memorable movie I've seen is NoteBook. Rachel McAdams had the leading role. She was very beautiflul in the movie.



What is your routine when you go to the theater? What do you do before watching movies? What about after? Please describe your routine in detail.


I think I usually go to a movie theater once a month. I usually see them with my friend, Pia because she and I have a simliar taste in movies. I always read reviews on the[디] internet and reserve tickets before the movie. Then I buy popcorns and drinks at a snack bar. After the movie, Pia and I go for dinner and talk about the movie. When I go home, I sometimes write a review of the movie on my blog. I think watching a mvoie is a great stress reliever.



Talk About a movie you remember best. What was it about? Who was in it? How did you feel when watching it?


The most memorable movie I've watched is About Time. It's an American movie released in 2013. It is about a young man with a special ability to travel time. He tries to change his past in order to improve his future. What makes this movie interesting is that is is based on a famous fiction. When I feel down or depressed, I watch this movie. This movie taught me a lesson that every momont is very important in your life. While watching the movie, I was touched and impressed. I strongly recommend this movie to you.


해커스 오픽 강의 내용을 정리한 내용입니다.



- I was born and raised here

- Everything is with walking distance.

- She is my neighbor who lives right next to me. We are about the same sage and have a lot in common.

- She is a good listener. She gives me a pep talk.

- She is a butterfly.

- I lose track of time.

- I live in ---

- There are --- in my neighborhood

- My neighborhood is ----

- I recently had a(n) ---- experience in my neighborhood.

- It was --- ago.

- We talked about --- in our neighborhood

- When I was young, there was nowhere to --- in my neighborhood



You indicated in the survey that you live in an apartment. What is your neighborhood like? Where is it located? Please describe your neighborhood in detail?


I live in the downtown of Seoul. There are many restaurants and supermarkets in my neighborhood. Also, it has a good transportation system. It's only a 5-minute walk to a subway station. My neighborhood is very clean and nice. I feel lucky to live in my neighborhood.



I would like to know about your neighbors. Who are they? What do they do? How often do you interact with them


I am close with one of my neighbors. Her name is Pia. She lives right next to me. She is a teacher who lives alone. We have a lot in common. I think we get together at least once a week. We usually watch movies together. We also go grocery shopping and go for a walk when we have time. She is a good neighbor who became my friend.



Can you tell me about an interesting or memorable experience you have had in your neighborhood? Tell me about the experience in detail and explain what made it so memorable.


Yes, I had a special experience. I was taking a walk in my neighborhood last year. When I was walking, I ran into an old friend of mine. My friend in my heighborhood! Can you belive it? We went to the same high school. He told me he was shopping with his family. We met for a drink that night. It was an amazing experience. We became even better friends after that.



How has your neighborhood changed from when you were young? Describe in detail how it was in the past, and how it is now?


Well.. My current nighborhood is very different from my old neighborhood. When I was young, I lived in the countryside. It was very quiet all the time and it had Limited amenities[어메너티스]. It took more than 2 hours to a grocery store. But now, I live in the downtown. It's a busy city 24/7. Evertything is within walking distance so it's super convenient! I love my current neighborhood!


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