ISSUIE 11 Everyday lies
keep hold - to keep
deliberately - with a definite intention, not by chance or by accident
folks - people
Doctors don't want to hurt the patients emotionally.
They have to talk truthfully
We can tell the news apart easier these days because there are many mode of information where we can compare and contrast
Skybel, 오후 4:20
1. I don't because I am not religious
2. Heaven and Hell
3. I know that our relationship won't last forever ~
4. Making excuses
- I think it might only be partly true or not.
Saying that I am too busy, doesn't always mean real
It would be a polite way of making an excuse
6. It's not my fault. ( Lie)
If someone says it's my fault I can probably think positively regardless of the truth
On the contrary, when someone said the opposite I might doubt
7. Studying hard
I strongly believe in the statement ~
8. I didn't know.
- I often say these words because of my linguistic limitation . This is because I can't elaborate myself well., so I wanted to escape ______________
Skybel, 오후 4:45
9. allot a time in advance~