ISSUE 08 - Hobbies
> Problems may just disappear by itself
> To get rid of my problems I just work out and sleep deeply
The Monk Who Sold his Ferrari
3. A lot of singers on TV are watching. Too bad they're not worth listening to.
> Most of the singers these days performed well by adding choreography dance
Skybel, 오후 4:24
> Living in a simple life is not easy, because people usually have a lot of difficult events to handle, this events make people's life more complicated and hard.
> It I just act normally maybe people will regard me as a loser.
> The trend in the modern society changed rapidly, so if we keep on following this trend we will eventually get exhausted with it
> In my case, I don't want to follow this belief
> I agree, this is a very famous proverbs
Skybel, 오후 4:37
> People who have fishing hobbies are likely to exaggerate their fish just before missing one.
> There are some cases people exaggerate things because they are looking for attention, they want to appear interesting, or they need others like them.
Skybel, 오후 4:43
Emphasis is important in a conversation
Hyperbole = English exaggerated sentences
It's raining cats and dogs.
He's as skinny as a toothpick.
I'm so hungry I could eat a horse.