
Nowadays, With-Corona is the talk of Korea.

As I know, With-Corona means that the government has determined they can't control covid-19 anymore, so they have chosen that we coexist with covid.
When I heard that, I was really shocked because I thought we could overcome covid but we finally lost against covid-19.

Some self-employed people welcomed this situation.


Of course I can understand them because they have suffered from decreased income for long time.
However, I can't understand others who just enjoy being in with-corona. 

I heard that immediately after the announcement tha the number of confirmed and death cases of covid-19 has been rapidly increasing.

The number of victims from covid-19 is more than before, but A sense of crisis about covid-19 is less than before.

I am sincerely worried about it.


'English > Writing' 카테고리의 다른 글

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