
I thought it was ~

나는 ~ 라고 생각 했어.


I thought it was a joke.

그게 농담이라고 생각 했어.

I thought it was a mistake

나는 그게 실수라고 생각했어.

I thought it was a good idea.

좋은 아이디어 였다고 생각했어.

I thought it was wrong.

그것이 틀렸다고 생각했어.



 Don't even think about

~할 생각도 하지마


Don't even think about it.

그것을 생각도 하지마.

Don't even think about leaving.

떠날 생각도 하지마.

Don't even think about trying.

시도할 생각도 하지마.

Don't even think about lying to me.

나에게 거짓말 할 생각도 하지마.



Who's going to ~?

누가 ~할까?


Who's going to come?

누가 올까?

Who's going to cook?

누가 요리할까?

Who's going to help me?

누가 나를 도와줄까?

Who's going to pay for it?

누가 그것을 계산할까?


Who would ~?

누가 ~하겠어?


Who would say that?

누가 그런 말을 하겠어?

Who would do something like that?

누가 그런 것을 하겠어?

Who would have called?

누가 전화했겠어?

Who would disagree with you?

누가 너와 동의하지 않겠어?


What if ~?

~하면 어떨까?


What if I go?

만약 내가 가면 어떨까?

What if I'm wrong?

만약 내가 틀리면 어쩌지?

What if I don't like it?

만약 내가 그것을 좋아하지 않으면 어쩌지?

What if I don't want to wait?

만약 내가 기다리고 싶지 않으면 어쩌지?



What kind of~?

~은 어떤 유형이야/종류야?


What kind of placie is it?

그 장소는 어떤 종류야?

What kind of person is he?

그는 어떤 유형의 사람이야?

What kind of job do you have?

너는 어떤 직업을 가지고 있어?

What kind of books do you like?

네가 좋아하는 책들은 어떤 종류야?



What do you say to N

N 어때?


What do you say to my plan?

내 계획 어떄?

What do you say to my suggestion?

내 제안은 어때?

What do you say to this price?

이 가격 어때?

What do you say to a bet?

내가 한판 어때?



What makes you ~?

무엇이 너를 ~하게 해?


What makes you different?

무엇이 당신을 다르게 해요?

What makes you happy

무엇이 너를 행복하게 해?

What makes you think that?

무엇이 너를 그렇게 생각하게 해?

What makes you say that?

무엇이 너를 그렇게 말하게 해?



How come ~?

어째서 ~ 일 수 있어?


How come you don't call me?

어째서 너는 나한테 전화하지 않을 수 있어?

How come you know me?

어째서 네가 나를 알고 있을 수 있어?

How come you didn't come?

어째서 너는 오지 않았어?

How come you didn't respond?

어째서 너는 대답하지 않았어?



How do you know ~?

어떻게 ~ 알아?


How do you know me?

저를 어떻게 알아요?

How do you know each other?

어떻게 서로를 알아?

How do you know it's true?

어떻게 그것이 사살인지를 알아?

How do you know she likes you?

그녀가 너를 좋아하는지를 어떻게 알아?












I chatted with a girl from Ukraine yesterday.
She was studying Korean. So she wanted to chat in Korean.

So we chatted in only Korean. It reminded me of a time that I asked someone to talk in English for studying.
At that time, I always have received much help from someone I met in HelloTalk. 
So I decided to chat in Korean to help her to study Korean.

She said that she had studied Korean for six months. But I was able to understand all messages which she sent me.
It was so amazing. So, I said, "Your Korean is so fluent!". And She answered shyly, "No, no. I am not".

She was such an upbeat person. So Talking with her gave me a pep talk. She made me feel good.

I thought that I also would have to do that like her when I chat with someone to receives some helps for my English study.
Because Everybody met in HelloTalk are not a teacher.
So They don't have responsibility for being kind to me.

Moreover, If I can't give them good energy, they don't want to chat with me. 
At this time, I thank you again for everyone help me to study English.


'English > Writing' 카테고리의 다른 글

vaccination  (0) 2021.09.24
Cell phone Taboos  (0) 2021.09.24
What are you worried about  (0) 2021.09.23
Frustration about learning English listening  (0) 2021.09.22
Chuseok  (0) 2021.09.21

Morden-day people live with a lot of worries about problems.


Even if some poeple go to the houspital to treat these problems, 

it is effective for a temporary period.


What do these problems cause?


I think morden people are always preoccupired with something and most people tend to be pessimistic.


Some poeple tend to create some problems that make them feel anxious,

which is oriented from people's desire to want to be good at everything.


Everyone deosn't have the same "something" such as looks, personality, wealth, and so on.


So, we have to reduce our desires and just love ourselves.


if we can do that, most problems could fade away and we will beocme happier than before.


'English > Writing' 카테고리의 다른 글

Cell phone Taboos  (0) 2021.09.24
A Chat with a Girl from ukraina  (0) 2021.09.23
Frustration about learning English listening  (0) 2021.09.22
Chuseok  (0) 2021.09.21
Starting Writing  (0) 2021.09.17


long time no see, Recca~

How about your vacation?

I just stayed for my vacation as ususal.

Ah, I had been going to my brother's house for the late weekend.

We played VR games.

Do you know oculus?

Ah, Oculus is a game equipment like nintendo, playstation, xbox. It makes it able to play VR games.

ISSUIE 4 What are you worried about?


I just went to my older brother's house.

It was my first ~

It was so fun.

This article says people have many worries. These worries are sometimes unnecessary.

I haven't had any neighbors.

Could you please call me?

I think ordinary people have several namely(즉, 다시말해)

Job is related to our goals

Money is their greatest worry

Money plays a vital role in our life.

They seem unproblematic.

Keeping their wealth and popularity

People are always preoccupied of something. This means problem happens continuously, so people must reflect on it.

People are pessimistic.

How to get rid of the negative thoughts?

They should be courageous[커레이지어ㅅ].

I have no trusted person whom I can talk to concerning my personal life.

much money OR plenty of money OR a lot of money

they are likely to worry more about earning money.

Famous are always anxious about something, especially their fan.



1. medical condition 건강상태

2. sweetheart 애인,연인

3. politician[펄리티션]

4. to get rid of ~ - remove of forget




'English > Phone English' 카테고리의 다른 글

Skybel#7  (0) 2021.09.27
Skybel#6  (0) 2021.09.24
Skybel#4  (0) 2021.09.15
Skybel#2  (0) 2021.09.15
Skybel#1  (0) 2021.09.14

Yesterday, I was studying English as usual.
Then, I felt so bored from studying English. So I changed the learning category.
After little time thinking about it, I chose an animation, "Minions".
Before starting to watch the movie, I was looking forward to understanding the animation.
Because I had studied English for two months, I thought My English skills were better than two months ago.
So, I started to watch the movie with slight excitement.
But It didn't take a long time to realize that excitement turned into frustration.
Oh my god, I didn't understand the animation at all.
Narrations in the animations were so fast, and Some pronunciations were not pronounced.
So I was shocked. My English was not better than before.

I can reading, writing, speaking English a little bit.
But English listening is so difficult. I can't understand at all.
I feel frustrated with studying I have done for a long time.
Anyone to save me from this frustration.


'English > Writing' 카테고리의 다른 글

A Chat with a Girl from ukraina  (0) 2021.09.23
What are you worried about  (0) 2021.09.23
Chuseok  (0) 2021.09.21
Starting Writing  (0) 2021.09.17
Self-Doubt  (0) 2021.09.17


Let's eat someting good!

맛있는 거 먹자!

Let's get a drink.

술 한잔하자

Let's grab a coffee.

커피 한잔하자


I'm craving pizza.

나는 피자가 너무 땡겨.

I have no appetite

식욕이 없어.


Do you know any good pizza places?

괜찮은 피자집 알아?

I want to go somewhere cheap but good!

나는 싸고 맛있는 곳 가고 싶어.



Chicken goes well with beer

치킨은 맥주랑 잘 어울려.

This goes great with cheese.

이건 치즈와 아주 잘 어울려.


Can you add vanilla syrup?

바닐라 시럼 추가해 주시겠어요?

Can I get soy milk instead?

두유로 바꿔 주시겠어요?

Can I get low-fat milk instaed?

저지방 우유로 바꿔 주시겠어요?


What's your most popular dish?

제일 인기 있는 메뉴가 뭐에요?

What's good here?

이 집 뭐 잘해요?



I'll take care of it

내가 계산할게

take care : 처리 하다

It's on me!


내가 쏠게(계산 금액이 많을 때)

Let's go 50-50

반반씩 내자


Can we put it on two cards?

카드 두개로 나눠서 계산해도 될까요?

put it on : 금액을 부과하다



I've got a sore throat

목이 따끔따끔 해요.

sore: 아프다


I have a runny nose.

콧물이 흘러요.


I don't feel good

몸이 안 좋아요.

I ache all over

온몸이 쑤셔



Do you know how to~?

~하는 법 알아?


I know how to~

나 ~하는 법 알아


Look it up on the internet

인터넷에서 검색하다



come out : 나오다

This Limited edition bag came out today.

이 한정판 가방 오늘 나왔어.

The movie came out yesterday.

그 영화 어제 개봉했어.

A new game came out

신상 게임이 출시됐어.


It's all the rage now.

이거 완전 유행이야.

rage : 분노, 유행

It's out of style.

유행이 지났어


How much is ~ : ~은 얼마야



look forward to : 기대하다 (expect 보다 시나는 느낌)

I'm looking forward to my vacation.

휴가가 기대돼!


I don't really like traveling.

나 여행 별로 안 좋아해.

I like traveling alone.

난 혼자 여행하는게 좋아.

I like traveling with my family!

난 가족이랑 여행하는거 좋아해.


Are you planning to ~? : ~할지 계획 정했어?



My alarm didn't go off

알람이 안 울렸어

go off : 울리다

Did the alaram go off?

알람이 울렸었어?


I apologize.

죄송합니다.(정중한 표현)

My bad!

내 실수야(가벼운 표현)


It won't happen again.

다신 이런 일 없을 거야.


I'm sorry to-v / (that) s v ~ 해서 미안해.



Wish you all the best luck!

좋은일, 행복한 일만 가득 하길 바래!



stand by ~옆에 서 있다. ~의 편이다

I'll stand by you.

네 편이 되어 줄게.

Will you stand by me?

내 편이 되어줄래?

Thank you for standing by me.

내 곁에 있어 줘서 고마워.


We're screwed. (캐쥴얼한 표현이라 친구들이랑 있을 때만 쓰는 것이 좋음)

우린 망했어.


You'll be able to ~ : ~ 할 수 있어.

You'll be able to do it.

너는 그것을 할 수 있을 거야.

You'll be able to learn.

너는 배울 수 있을 거야.

You'll be able to come back.

너는 돌아올 수 있을 거야.

You'' be able to succeed.

너는 성공할 수 있을 거야.







Can I get you ~? 내가 당신에게 ~를 가져다 드릴까요?


Can't you ~? 너 ~ 안/못 해?


You can have 너 ~가져도 돼/먹어도 돼.


I can't think of ~ 생각이 떠오르지 않아.


I can't wait to 너무 ~ 하고 싶어.


I can't stand ~을 참을 수 없어.


It can't be ~일리 없어.


It's just ~ 단지 ~ 일뿐 이야.


It's not just 그냥 ~이 아니야.


It's nice to  ~하게 돼서 좋아.





'English > Conversation' 카테고리의 다른 글

해커스톡_BEST5 19탄  (0) 2021.09.24
해커스톡_영어로 말해봐1  (0) 2021.09.22
해커스톡_영어로 말해봐2  (0) 2021.09.21
여우강사_원밥쓰_11일_자동차  (0) 2021.09.21
여우강사_원밥쓰_10일_특징  (0) 2021.09.21


How have you been?

그동안 어떻게 지냈어?


I can't complain.

그럭저럭 지내.


I really tied up these days

요즘 너무 바빠.


How long have you been married?

결혼한지 얼마나 됐어?


How long have you been here?

여기 있는지 얼마나 됐어?


How long have you been working?

일한지 얼마나 됐어?


How long have you been waiting?

기다린지 얼마나 됐어?




I'm obsessed with Netflix!

나 넷플릭스에 중독 됐어!


I'm really into it!

난 거기에 푹 빠졌어!


It's not really my thing

내 취향이 아니야.


my thing : 내가 좋아하는 것.


I like to travel

나 여행하는 것 좋아해.


I like to read a book.

나 책 읽는 것 좋아해.


I like to listen to music.

나 음악 듣는 것 좋아해.


I like to try new things.

나 새루온 것들을 시동하는 것 좋아해.



It was a good deal

싸게 잘 샀어!


I got ripped off

나 바가지 썼어!


How much is it?

그것은 얼마야?


How much is the bill?

청구 금액은 얼마야?


How much is the fee?

요금은 얼마야?


How much is the rent?

대여료는 얼마야?



I'm looking for a two-bedroom apartment.

방2개 짜리 집을 찾고 있어요.


Let me show you around the house!

집 구경 시켜 줄게!


I'm looking for a key.

나 열쇠를 찾고 있어.


I'm looking for my car.

나 내 차를 찾고 있어.


I'm looking for someone.

나 누군가를 찾고 있어.


I'm looking for my phone.

나 내 전화기를 찾고 있어.



How do think I'll look?

어울릴 것 같아요?


It's so you.

너무 잘 어울려.


It doesn't suit you.

너랑 안 어울려.


How do you like it?

그거 마음에 들어?


How do you like her?

그녀가 맘에 들어?


How do you like the food?

음식이 마음에 들어?


How do you like my hair cut?

내 머리 모양이 맘에 들어?



Everybody loves him.

모두가 그를 좋아해.


I fell for her.

나는 그녀에게 반했어.


What a mess!

정말 엉망이다!


What a shame!

정말 안타깝다!


What a surprise!

정말 놀랍다!


What a great day!

정말 좋은 날이다!



I broke up with her.

나 걔랑 헤어졌어.


She dumped me.

걔가 나 찼어.


Are you breaking up with me?

너 나랑 헤어지자는 거야?



How's your diet going?

다이어트는 잘 돼가?


My diets starts tomorrow.

다이어트는 내일부터!


How about that?

그것은 어때?


How about there?

거기는 어때?


How about today?

오늘은 어때?


How about a break?

휴식하는 것은 어때?



I have to save money!

나 저축해야 해!


Let's put aside some money.

돈 좀 따로 모아두자.


Do I have to go?

나 가야 해?


Do I have to do that?

나 그것을 해야 해?


Do I have to wear this?

나 이것을 입어야 해?


Do I have to buy a new one?

나 새것을 사야 해?



I hope everything goes well for you

꽃길만 걷길 바래


Pass on my congratulations.

축하한다고 전해줘


You'll be able to do it

너는 그것을 할 수 있을 거야.


You'll be able to learn

너는 배울 수 있을꺼야.


You'll be able to come back.

너는 돌아올 수 있을 거야.


You'll be able to succeed.

너는 성공할 수 있을 거야.


















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